Cadenza C18 Series

Cadenza CW-C18




* Bioengineering of a Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis strain enhances nisin production and bioactivity
Roxana Portieles, Hongli Xu, Feng Chen, Jingyao Gao, Lihua Du, Xiangyou Gao, Carlos Borroto Nordelo, Qiulin Yue, Lin Zhao, Nayanci Portal Gonzalez, Ramon Santos Bermudez, Orlando Borras-Hidalgo
PLOS ONE, April 10, 2023

* LASP1, CERS6, and Actin Form a Ternary Complex That Promotes Cancer Cell Migration
Atsuko Niimi, Siripan Limsirichaikul, Keiko Kano, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Patinya Sawangsri, Dat Quoc Tran, Yoshiyuki Kawamoto and Motoshi Suzuki
Cancers, 2023, 15, 2781

* Dietary and socioeconomic risk factors for fumonisin exposure among women of reproductive age in 18 municipalities in Guatemala from 2013 to 2014
Ariel V. Garsow, Olga R. Torres, Jorge A. Matute, Ronald T. Riley, Julie R. Harris, Archana P. Lamichhane, Orion McCotter, Barbara B. Kowalcyk
PLOS Global Public Health, August 9, 2022

Vyshali Veerareddy, Kumaraswamy Gandla
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, Volume13, Special Issue1, 2022, 35-40
DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S01.05

* CEBPγ facilitates lamellipodia formation and cancer cell migration through CERS6 upregulation
Hanxiao Shi, Atsuko Niimi, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Kazuya Shiogama, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Taisuke Kajino, Kenichi Inada, Tetsunari Hase, Takahiro Hatta, Hirofumi Shibata, Takayuki Fukui, Toyofumi Fengshi Chen-Yoshikawa, Kazuki Nagano, Takashi Murate, Yoshiyuki Kawamoto, Shuta Tomida, Takashi Takahashi, Motoshi Suzuki
Cancer Science. 2021;112:2770-2780

* CERS6 required for cell migration and metastasis in lung cancer
Motoshi Suzuki, Ke Cao, Seiichi Kato, Naoki Mizutani, Kouji Tanaka, Chinatsu Arima, Mei Chee Tai, Norie Nakatani, Kiyoshi Yanagisawa, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Hanxiao Shi, Yasuyoshi Mizutani, Atsuko Niimi, Tetsuo Taniguchi, Takayuki Fukui, Kohei Yokoi, Keiko Wakahara, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Yukiko Mizutani, Soichiro Iwaki, Satoshi Fujii, Akira Satou, Keiko Tamiya-Koizumi, Takashi Murate, Mamoru Kyogashima, Shuta Tomida, Takashi Takahashi
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Volume24, Issue20, October 2020, Pages 11949-11959

* Pyrrocidine, a molecular off switch for fumonisin biosynthesis
Minglu Gao, Anthony E. Glenn, Xi Gu, Trevor R. Mitchell, Timothy Satterlee, Mary V. Duke, Brian E. Scheffler, Scott E. Gold
PLOS Pathogens, July 6, 2020

* Vaticanol C, a phytoalexin, induces apoptosis of leukemia and cancer cells by modulating expression of multiple sphingolipid metabolic enzymes
Chisato Inoue, Sayaka Sobue, Naoki Mizutani, Yoshiyuki Kawamoto, Yuji Nishizawa, Masatoshi Ichihara, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Fumihiko Hayakawa, Motoshi Suzuki, Tetsuro Ito, Yoshinori Nozawa, and Takashi Murate
Nagoya Journal of Medical Science, 82, 261-280, 2020

Occurrence of emerging mycotoxins in cereals and cereal-based products from the Korean market using LC-MS/MS
Dan-Bi Kim, Nho-Eul Song, Tae Gyu Nam, Sanghee Lee, Dongwon Seo & Miyoung Yoo
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36, 2, 289-295, 2019

Simultaneous quantification of tegoprazan and its major metabolite M1 in dog plasma using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Joohwan Kim, Sungjun Kim, Hyun-Jung Noh, Shin-Young Ryu, Soo-Jin Kim
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 171, 15, 99-103, 2019

In situ ergot alkaloid detection in three Balansia epichloe‐infected grass species
C.W. Bacon, D.M. Hinton, T.R. Mitchell, E.R. Palencia
Journal of Applied Microbiology, 125, 4, 976-985, 2018

Assessment of Mycotoxins in Vitis vinifera Wines of the Southeastern United States
Stephanie L. Bolton, Trevor Mitchell, Phillip M. Brannen, Anthony E. Glenn
American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 68, 336-343, 2017

Kinetic and thermodynamic characteristics of crystallization of vancomycin
Geon-Soo Ha. Jin-Hyun Kim
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34, 9, 2451-2458, 2017

* Improved Polymerase Chain Reaction-restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Genotyping of Toxic Pufferfish by Liquid Chromatography/
Mass Spectrometry

Hajime Miyaguchi
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 115, e54402, 2016

* A Novel Population of Fusarium fujikuroi Isolated from Southeastern U.S. Winegrapes Reveals the Need to Re-Evaluate the Species’ Fumonisin Production
Stephanie L. Bolton, Phillip M. Brannen, Anthony E. Glenn
Toxins, 8(9), 254, 2016

Purification-Free Method for Preparing Technetium-99m-Labeled Multivalent Probes for Enhanced in Vivo Imaging of Saturable Systems
Yuki Mizuno, Tomoya Uehara, Hirofumi Hanaoka, Yota Endo, Chun-Wei Jen, and Yasushi Arano
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 59, 3331-3339, 2016

Elevated nuclear sphingoid base-1-phosphates and decreased histone deacetylase activity after fumonisin B1 treatment in mouse embryonic fibroblasts
Nicole M.Gardner, Ronald T.Riley, Jency L. Showker, Kenneth A.Voss, Andrew J.Sachs, Joyce R. Maddox, Janee B.Gelineau-van Waes
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 298, 56-65, 2016

* Targeting ceramide synthase 6–dependent metastasis-prone phenotype in lung cancer cells
Motoshi Suzuki, Ke Cao, Seiichi Kato, Yuji Komizu, Naoki Mizutani, Kouji Tanaka, Chinatsu Arima, Mei Chee Tai, Kiyoshi Yanagisawa, Norie Togawa, Takahiro Shiraishi, Noriyasu Usami, Tetsuo Taniguchi, Takayuki Fukui, Kohei Yokoi, Keiko Wakahara, Yoshinori Hasegawa, Yukiko Mizutani, Yasuyuki Igarashi, Jin-ichi Inokuchi, Soichiro Iwaki, Satoshi Fujii, Akira Satou, Yoko Matsumoto, Ryuichi Ueoka, Keiko Tamiya-Koizumi, Takashi Murate, Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Mamoru Kyogashima, and Takashi Takahashi
The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 126(1), 254–265, 2016

Improved Pretreatment Method for Determination of Nisins A and Z and Monitoring in Cheese Using Liquid Chromatrography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Kyung Yuk Ko, So Ra Park, Ho-Soo Lim, Se-Jong Park, Meehye Kim
Food Analytical Methods, 9, 1, 122-130, January 2016

A blood spot method for detecting fumonisin-induced changes in putative sphingolipid biomarkers in LM/Bc mice and humans
Ronald T Riley, Jency L Showker, Christine M Lee, Cody E Zipperer, Trevor R Mitchell, Kenneth A Voss, Nicholas C Zitomer, Olga Torres, Jorge Matute, Simon G Gregory, Allison E Ashley-Koch, Joyce R Maddox, Nicole Gardner, Janee B Gelineau-Van Waes
Food Addit Contam Part A Chem Anal Control Expo Risk Assess, 32, 6, 934-949, 2015

Effect of an ionic liquid on vancomycin crystallization
Geon Soo Ha, Jin-Hyun Kim
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 4, 576-582, April 2015

Investigation on the role of ion exchange resin in the crystallization process for the purification of vancomycin
Sung-Jae Kim, Jin-Hyun Kim
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 3, 465-470, March 2015

Maize Seedling Blight Induced by Fusarium verticillioides: Accumulation of Fumonisin B1 in Leaves without Colonization of the Leaves
Thomas T. Baldwin, Nicholas C. Zitomer, Trevor R. Mitchell, Anne-Marie Zimeri, Charles W. Bacon, Ronald T. Riley, and Anthony E. Glenn
J. Agric. Food Chem., 62 (9), 2118–2125, 2014

* Discovery of the surface polarity gradient on iridescent Morpho butterfly scales reveals a mechanism of their selective vapor response
Radislav A. Potyrailoa, Timothy A. Starkey, Peter Vukusic, Helen Ghiradella, Milana Vasudev, Timothy Bunning, Rajesh R. Naik, Zhexiong Tang, Michael Larsen, Tao Deng, Sheng Zhong, Manuel Palacios, James C. Grande, Gilad Zorn, Gregory Goddard, and Sergey Zalubovsky
PNAS, 110, 39, 15567-15572, 2013

* ODS 系カラムによるビタミン C の高速液体クロマトグラフィー分析
永田 雅靖
日本食品科学工学会誌, 60, 2, 96-99, 2013

Effect of ion exchange resin on increased surface area crystallization process for purification of vancomycin
Eun-A. Kwak, Sung-Jae Kim, Jin-Hyun Kim
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29, 11, 1487-1492, November 2012